Imabari Towel

Imabari Towel

The region where imabari towels are produced is blessed with soft water with very little content of
heavy metals, such as the subsoil water of Soja River that runs from the Takanawa Mountain Range
and underground water coming from the sacred Mt. Ishizuchi. Through bleaching using water of
such fine quality, it is possible to produce fabrics that are delicate and soft to the touch and showing vibrant colors.

This has helped improve the dyeing technique of the imabari towel production area, making this area Japan’ s largest towel production area. In addition to this, the Shikoku Towel Industrial Association has devised its own standards to certify products worthy of using the trademark and logo.

The standards stipulate that a towel must set to the bottom of water within 5 seconds of placement
in water (precipitation method) — this is to test a new towel’ s ability to soak up water without having to be washed first before use. imabari towels are characteristic in that they absorb sweat and water quickly and are gentle to the skin, without leaving your skin feeling sticky after wiping off sweat or drying your body after a bath.

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